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✿ 一个分享美食,时尚,游记和生活纪事的空间 ✿
✿ The Taste Of Life ✿


Two kindred spirits, sharing our love for ~ culinary delights,
~ adventures that excite us in our travels, 
~ the arts that inspire us, ~ the wonders that marvel us  
and ~ the many little things that life offers. 

喜欢发觉新事物,享受生命中所带来的惊喜 。
Two of us, a city girl and a city boy, who loves to discover new things,
Enjoying life's little surprises together.

用心探讨生命里的感动, 随着生命的节奏而起舞。
Embracing life's little moments wholeheartedly, 
Let our hearts flutter and dance with the rhythms of life. 

身在城市, 却向往宁静慢调的生活步伐, 悠闲的品味生活, 寻找心中的 '乌托邦' 。
Finding our little space in the hustle and bustle of city life, 
 Like a leisurely journey through life,
Reaching out to touch that little Utopia in our hearts.

以故事性的方式来陈述我们所到之处和感受的一切, 分享我们的旅途。
Let us share our life's journey in a story.
A story of a boy and a girl, of adventures, of food, of love, 
of happiness and of life.

真实的活在当下, 让思绪化作文字, 记载曾经的美好。
Like a leisurely journey through life,
Let our thoughts flow through our writings,
Let us share our life's story and rejoice the many happy moments in life.



Since April 2011

在现实生活中,很多事我们都只能埋藏在心中无法言喻,也因此部落格让我们能将心中所想所言化作文字来分享。在部落格的世界里,我们拉近了彼此的距离,找到了共鸣。在这个小空间里我们能有机会认识到来自另一个国度或未曾谋面的网友,对彼此有了更深一层的认知。在Twenty Two,我们为你网罗了各种美食,分享装扮心得和生活上的一些想法,让你更贴近我们的世界。而这特设的空间是让到此浏览的朋友们留下足迹,让我们知道你曾来过。欢迎你写下对Twenty Two的感想和心得,建议或想要我们光顾的餐厅等,都可以在这里和我们分享哦!祝大家天天美好,快乐与你为伴♥